
New EclerNet Manager Version 5.03r9

Increase compatibility with the new EclerNet Manager version!

We are glad to announce a new version of the EclerNet Manager software application that implements the following improvements, among others: 

Publication date


WPNET4KV & WPNET8K wall panels backward compatibility

Updating the wall panel's firmware (firmware_WPNET_R_v1_01r1.bin included in ENM pack) you can use this controls in MIMO88, MIMO88SG, MIMO1212SG and NXA Series amplifiers EclerNet projects.

Extension to 64 virtual controls in all MIMOs

The virtual controls available are multiplied x4 on this new version.

UCP basic templates, new background images and x-large graphics scales

Within the new EclerNet Manager pack you will find a folder called Basic Controls ENM. On the following versions, the graphics library will not be included in the executable file, it will be a folder that you can host anywhere on your hard drive.