Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

5 kilometers of Ecler sound in Saudi Arabia

Ektar International, under the guidance of Moammar AlHarbi, Managing Director, and led by Khaled Bouajaja, Project and Technical Director, successfully implemented a massive outdoor audio solution across two distinct zones at the Jeddah Yacht Club and the expansive Jeddah Promenade. This project spanned a 5-kilometer walking area, requiring a flexible and powerful audio system that could deliver consistent and controlled sound across diverse environments.

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The primary challenge was to create a unified audio system capable of delivering consistent sound quality over a large, outdoor area while allowing for zone-specific sound customization. The project demanded high-precision sound engineering to cater to different atmospheres, sound scapes, and of course, very harsh enviromental conditions, from the serene marina to the bustling promenade.

The solution

The primary challenge was to create a unified audio system capable of delivering consistent sound quality over a large, outdoor area while allowing for zone-specific sound customization, depending on the moment of the day, special dates and activities.

Regarding the Marina Yacht Club, the installation featured hundreds of the 2-ways eMOTUS8OD 100 WRMS loudspeakers, with two of this model mounted on each pole. One speaker was directed towards the café and restaurant areas of the sea side walk, and the other towards the maritime promenade, ensuring a complete sound coverage.

As for the Jeddah Promenade requiring more robust sound output, Ektar installed the powerful 150 WRMS eCMP8 musical projectors. These were strategically placed in large poles, with additional installations for smaller, 4-meter poles, effectively enhancing the auditory experience for visitors strolling along the promenade.

The entire audio setup was unified using Dante technology, which provided seamless integration and control of the 64 audio inputs available throughout the venue. This system was connected using fiber optics, ensuring high fidelity sound transmission and reliability.

Khaled Bouajaja and his team of 26 technicians ensured that each component of the system was perfectly tuned to handle all intended audio scenarios.

Products installed at Jeddah
eMOTUS8ODImage 1


8" | 2-way | 100 WRMS | IP65 | outdoors
eCMP8Image 1


8" | 2-way | 150 WRMS | musical projector